
Mom pulled up the rear of her jeans over her radiant ass globes and afterward went to help her little girl. “You must take yours off as well. Mom will wash them, it will be OK.” She said in her best mindful mother tone. Sarah actually appeared to be in somewhat of a surprise and started to slide her yoga pants down her slim legs. Her hill shimmered from the tacky sheen of George’s cum. Sarah got her jeans down to her lower legs prior to acknowledging she ought to have taken her shoes off first.

Here, let me assist you with those”, said her mom, seeing her quandary. She crouched before her girl, her face not exactly a foot from Sarah’s cum covered pussy. She could smell the cum, which confounded her, however she would have rather not caution her girl.

George watched and wished the mother would lave his cum from her little girl’s pussy with her tongue. In any case, that wasn’t reasonable, so he chose to help. He came to over the bowing mother and slid a finger across the young ladies smooth pussy, gathering his cum and afterward carried it to Mommy’s lips as she looked and said “Child, would you be able to lift your right … .ggggfff” He stuck his cum covered finger between her lips and across her tongue, he scarcely hauled it out on schedule before she tore into him. The mother shook her head, thinking a bug had flown into her mouth or something like that. She tasted pungent cum, licked her lips a couple of times and gulped. “What the hell?” recovering, she helped her girl out of her shoes, yoga jeans and underwear. She stood and carried them to the sink, passing on her hot girl to stand bare starting from the waist.

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